Job Seeker Service

Welcome to the Texas Library Association's Conference Placement and Career Center Job Seeker service. TLA welcomes job postings for any library position in Texas. TLA is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the postings and does not conduct any inquiries or monitor the listings. Libraries should comply with legal requirements and generally accepted employment practices and are encouraged to pay all librarians with the MLS degree and no experience more than the minimum recommended entry-level salary of $43,000 per year. All job listings require an MLS from an ALA-accredited program, unless otherwise noted. Contact information for some of the larger employers who list jobs frequently is given at the bottom of the page. 


If you want to view existing job listings, click on the "View Job Listings" link below.  If you wish to post your information to the Conference Placement and Career Center, click on "Add New Information".  If you have already posted information about yourself, but would like to edit or delete your record, fill in your last name and seeker key number, then click on "Modify/Delete Information".
      VIEW Listings      
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